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Jack G. Dial, Ph.D.
4201 Wingren Drive, Suite 112
Irving, Texas 75062
972.541.0818 Office
972.541.1759 Fax
E-mail: Jgdial@aol.com
Professional Development:
Neuropharmacological Treatment of Parkinson's Disease - Dr. Malcolm Stewart, PM & R, Grand Rounds, September 3, 1982.
Dissertation Research - August, 1981 - August, 1982.
Neuroanatomy and Pathology - Dr. Joel Kirkpatrick. April 15, 1982.
Treatable Neuromuscular Disease - Dr. Jay Cook, PM & R, Grand Rounds, June 5, 1981.
Neurology and Neurosurgery Grand rounds - Nerve Regeneration, Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, March 18, 1981.
Turner's Syndrome - Dr. Bill Cameron, Children's Medical Center, Adolescent Clinic, March 9, 1981.
Psychiatry Grand Rounds - Assessment and Psychophysiological Study of Coronary prone Behavior - Dr. Theodore Dembroski, Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, January 30, 1981.
Alcohol Metabolism - Dr. Paul Warren, Children's Medical Center, Adolescent Program, January 23, 1981.
Faculty Seminar - Endorphins in Psychopathology - Dr. Phillips Berger, Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, January 21, 1981.
Weight and Menus - Dr. Betty Ruth, Children's Medical Center, Adolescent Program, January 12, 1981.
Interpretation of Dreams - Dr. Paul Chesmore, Children's Medical Center, Adolescent Program, January 12, 1981.
Neurology Grand Rounds - Cysticercosis of the Brain - P. Nosnik, M.S., Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, May 14, 1980. Also Cerebral Malaria by R. Brown, M.D.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Clinical Aspects and Pathogenesis -Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Neurology Grand Rounds, April 23, 1980.
Neurology Grand Rounds - Neuronal Ceriod Lipofuscinosis - S. Schochet, MD, Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, April 9, 1980.
Neurology Grand Rounds - Spinal Cord Injury - Kemp Clark, MD, Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, March 19, 1980.
Neurology Grand Rounds - Somatosensory Evoked Potentials - David Davis, MD, Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, March 19, 1980.
Tanner Staging - Dr. John Edlin, Children's Medical Center, Adolescent Clinic, March 5, 1980.
Neurology Grand Rounds - Neurosyphylis - Kenneth Pool, MD., Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, March 5, 1980.
Neuroanatomy and Pathology - Joel Kirkpatrick, MD, McCarron-Dial Systems, February 28 - 29, 1980.
Neurology Grand Rounds - Sphingolipid Disorders - Edward Neuwelt, MD., Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, February 20, 1980.
Neurology Grand Rounds - Hepatotenticular Degeneration -Fred Baskin, MD. & Audrey Stein-Goldings, MD., Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, February 13, 1980.
Neurology Grand Rounds - Selected Aspects of Geriatrics Neurology - John Hueter, MD., Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, February 6, 1980.
Nutritional Aspects of Mental Retardation - American Association of Mental Deficiency, National Conference, Denver, Colorado, May 15-18, 1978.
Neurological Aspects of Developmental Disabilities - Texas Medical Association Conference, San Antonio, Texas, May 11, 1978.
Counseling Techniques/ Attending Skills - North Texas State University, November 17 -18, 1975.
Placement - North Texas State University, October 6, 1975.
Sheltered Workshop Management - North Texas State University, September 22, 23, 26, 1975.
Supervised sabbatical experience in neuropsychological assessment (Dr. Garth Eldredge from University of Northern Colorado, Greeley), Summer, 1977.
Administrative and Program development experience as the Director of Sheltered Workshops for the Beaumont State Center for Human Development, Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Beaumont, Texas.
Developer of the R.E.W.A.R.D. program for the severely mentally disabled (Regional Evaluation Workshop and Rehabilitation Development serving a nine-county region).
Developer of Personal - Social, Work Adjustment and Work Evaluation programs for the Beaumont State Center for Human Development, Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Beaumont, Texas, and the Baytown Opportunity Center, Baytown, Texas.
Program Committee Member of the Harris County Mental Health and Mental retardation Board for Model Cities, Houston, Texas.Instructor of "Work Evaluation Sections" at Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas.
Field Placement Assistant, Social and Rehabilitation Services, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas.
Board Member Dallas Work Opportunity and Rehabilitation Center (DAL-WORC), 1979 - 1982.
Consultant to the Southeast Texas Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center, Beaumont, Texas; particular involvement with development of sheltered work training program and zero base budget.
Extended Sheltered Workshop Program - Contract for Service Award to Dallas Rehabilitation Institute from the Dallas County Mental Health and Mental retardation Center, September 1, 1975, funded in the amount of $21,000.
Sheltered Workshop Facility Expansion Grant ( Title I, Sec. 103, Rehabilitation Services Administration), Beaumont, Texas, Beaumont State Center for Human Development, July 1974, funded in the amount of $93,750.
Regional System of Sheltered Workshops Establishment Grant (Title I, Sec. 103, Rehabilitation Services Administration), Beaumont State Center for Human Development, Beaumont, Texas, July 1973, funded in the amount of $137,890.
Work Evaluation Unit Establishment Grant (Sec. 2, rehabilitation Service Administration), Baytown Opportunity Center, Baytown, Texas, July 1971, funded in the amount of $13, 000.
Work Experience:
May 1972 - November 1974:
Beaumont State Center for Human Development
Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation
655 South Eighth Street
PO Box 3846
Beaumont, Texas 77704As Director of Sheltered Workshops (Administrator of Technical Programs II), I was responsible for all work-related treatment programs, enrollments, staff development, client and parental counseling, community information, budgeting and the fiscal integrity of my Department. The client caseload of the Department consisted of 140 mentally disabled individuals under staff direction of 32.
September 1971 - May 1972:
Stephen F. Austin State University
Department of School Services
PO Box 3019 - SFA Station
Nacogdoches, TexasAs Graduate Teaching and research Assistant, I was responsible for teaching sections in "Work Evaluation", teaching other sections during the absence of instructors, assisting in field placement of students and assisting in field placement of students and assisting in assigned research projects.
July 1970 - September 1971:
Baytown Opportunity Center
1507 Baker road
Baytown, TexasAs Executive Director, I was the chief administrator responsible for the program, personnel, admissions, in-service training, client and parental counseling, community information, publications and fiscal integrity of the Center.
The case load of the Baytown Opportunity Center consisted of 56 mental retardates in various program areas under staff direction totaling 9.
Luria Model of Brain Functions. U.T. Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Medical Aspects, Guest Lecturer, April 22, 1988.
Staff Development of Work Adjustment Personnel. Center for Rehabilitation Studies, North Texas State University, Denton, Texas, February 6, 1986.
Case Conference Presentation on Learning Disabilities: Adolescent Medicine. Children's Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, May 11, 1981.
The McCarron-Dial Evaluation System. Children's Medical Center, Adolescent Clinic, Dallas, Texas, February 23, 1981.
Neuropsychological Assessment. Children's Medical Center, Adolescent Clinic, Journal Club, Dallas, Texas, February 6, 1981.
The McCarron-Dial Work Evaluation System. Dallas West TRC Counselors, July 24, 1975.Standardization and Norms in Work Evaluation. Texas Tech University, presented to Rehabilitation Counselors, November, 1974.
The McCarron-Dial Work Evaluation System. North Texas State University, Denton, Texas, presented to Short Term Rehabilitation Training Program for Facility Personnel, May 1, 1973.
The Development and Clinical Use of the McCarron-Dial Work Evaluation System. Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana, presented for faculty of the Department of Psychology, April, 1973.
Training And Consultation Delivered:
Neuropsychological Assessment Using the McCarron-Dial System. Mercedes ISD, Mercedes, Texas, December 13 - 16, 1982.
Neuropsychological Assessment Using the McCarron-Dial System. Laredo ISD, Laredo, Texas, September 8 - 10, 1982.
Neuropsychological Assessment of Learning Disabilities. Cheyenne, Wyoming, August 23-26, 1982.
Neuropsychological Assessment Using the McCarron-Dial System. Dallas, Texas, August 21 - 23, 1982.
Neuropsychological Assessment of Learning Disabilities. Riverton, Wyoming, August 17 - 20, 1982.
Neuropsychological Diagnosis Using the McCarron-Dial System. Dallas, Texas, August 12 - 14, 1982.
Neuropsychological and Vocational Evaluation of the Blind MR. State Commission for the Blind, Austin, Texas, August 8 - 9, 1982.
Neuropsychologcial and Vocational Evaluation of the Blind MR. State Commission for the Blind, Austin, Texas, August 6, 1982.
Neuropsychological Assessment Using the McCarron-Dial System. Dallas, Texas, July 20, 1982.
Consultation to Texas State Commission for the Blind on Vocational Evaluation Using the McCarron-Dial System/APT. July 1982 (continuing).
Neuropsychological Evaluation of Learning Disabilities. Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 21 - 23, 1982.
Advanced Uses of the McCarron-Dial System for Neuropsychological Assessment. Dallas, Texas, April 13 - 14, 1982.
Vocational Evaluation Uses of the McCarron-Dial System. Honolulu, Hawaii, March 22 - 24, 1982.
Neuropsychological Assessment Using the McCarron-Dial System. Dallas, Texas, February 16 - 18, 1982.
Vocational Evaluation. Regional Continuing Education in Rehabilitation, Dallas, Texas, April 8, 1981.Neuropsychological Assessment Using the MDS to State V.R. Evaluators/Psychologists, Cheyenne, Wyoming, March 31 - April 3, 1981.
Vocational Evaluation. RCEP FVR III, Dallas, Texas, December 2, 1980.
Brain Damaged Client. RCEP FVR III, Dallas, Texas, November 12, 1980.
Consultation to Richardson ISD and region 10 Education Service Center, S. Dorion, September 19, 1980.
Consultation to Lighthouse for the Blind on Program Evaluation. Dallas, Texas, August 7 - 8, September 5, 1980.
Consultation to Caruth Memorial Hospital on Neuropsychological Evaluation of Brain Damage. Dallas, Texas, July 10, 15, 24, 28, August 12 - 15, 19, 22, 27, 1980.
Consultation to County North and County South MHMR Facilities on Computer Assessment Program, Dallas, Texas, July 29, 1980.
A Neuropsychological Model of Brain Function. Incarnate Word College, San Antonio, Texas, June, 1980.
Basic Neuropsychological Evaluation Using the McCarron-Dial System. Dallas, Texas, April 23 - 25, 1980.
The Brain Damaged Client. Regional Continuing Education Program, Fundamentals of Vocational Rehabilitation III, Dallas, Texas, April 2, 1980.
Advanced Work Evaluation Uses of the McCarron-Dial System. Dallas, Texas, March 26 - 28, 1980.
Basic Neuropsychological Evaluation Using the McCarron-Dial System. Dallas, Texas, March 19 - 21, 1980.
Vocational Evaluation Using the McCarron-Dial System. Houston ISD, Houston, Texas, March 13 - 14, 1980.
Neuropsychological Evaluation of the Brain Surgery Patient. Parkland Hospital Technical Surgical Staff, Dallas, Texas, October 4, 1979.
Basic Work Evaluation Uses of the McCarron-Dial System. Dallas, Texas, September 26-28, 1979.
The Brain Damaged Client. Regional Continuing Education VI, Dallas, Texas, March 10, 1980.
Advanced Interpretation of the McCarron-Dial System. Clinical Psychologists, Dallas, Texas, February 27 - 28, 1980.
The Evaluation of Neuromuscular Function. Dallas ISD OT's and PT's, Dallas, Texas, February 1, 1980.Basic Work Evaluation Uses of the McCarron-Dial System, Dallas, Texas, December 12 - 14, 1979.
Basic Neuropsychological Uses of the McCarron-Dial System in Clinical Practice, Dallas, Texas, November 28 - 30, 1979.
Basic Work Evaluation Uses of the McCarron-Dial System, San Diego, California, Regional Continuing Education Program, November 12 - 16, 1979.
Brain Damaged Client. Regional Continuing Education Program. Dallas, Texas, November 12, 1979.
Clinical Uses of the McCarron-Dial System in Neuropsychology. Dallas, Texas, July 11 - 13, 1979.
Neuropsychology Assessment of Language/ Learning Disabilities. Texas Rehabilitation Commission, Nacogdoches, Texas, June 20 - 22, 1979.
Work Evaluation of the McCarron-Dial System. Dallas, Texas, May 2, 1979.
Clinical Uses of the McCarron-Dial System. Dallas, Texas, April 18 -20, 1979.
Technical Assistance and consultation to Avodah Work Training Center on Work Evaluation and Work Adjustment Program. JVS, Dallas, Texas, February 15, 1979, March 8, 1979, March 20, 1979.
Special Education Applications of Neuropsychological Assessment Procedures: McCarron-Dial System to Region II Special Education resources. Fort Worth, November 6 - 7, 1978.
Neuropsychological Assessment in Rehabilitation Using the McCarron-Dial System. Texas Psychological Association, Annual Conference, Dallas, Texas - November 3, 1978.
The Basic Uses of the McCarron-Dial System in Vocational Rehabilitation. Dallas, Texas, October 30-31, 1978.
Basic Work Evaluation Uses of the McCarron-Dial System in Vocational Rehabilitation. State of Mississippi, Jackson, Mississippi, October 25 - 27, 1978.
Basic Work Evaluation Uses of the McCarron-Dial System in Vocational Rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Center, San Diego State University, San Diego, California, October 19 - 20, 1978.
Technical Assistance and Consultation to Cross County Special Workshop. Wynn, Arkansas on Vocational/ Work Evaluation and Work Adjustment for Rehabilitation Services Administration, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Office of Human Development, September 13 - 15, 1978.
Neuropsychological Evaluation of Brain Damage, Dallas County Mental Health Mental Retardation Center, Dallas, Texas, August 24 - 26, 1978.Neuropsychological Evaluation of Brain Damaged Adults. Corpus Christi State School (at Dallas), July 17 - 18, 1978.
Vocational Evaluation Techniques Using the McCarron-Dial System. Goodwill Industries, Houston, Texas, July 13 - 14, 1978.
Vocational Evaluation Techniques Using the McCarron-Dial System. New York, June 22 -23, 1978.
Neuropathology and Rehabilitation to Texas Rehabilitation Commission. Dallas, Texas, May 31, 1978.
Basic Applications of the McCarron-Dial System. Sebring Evaluations Center, Sebring, Florida, May 4 - 5, 1978.
Neuropsychological Assessment. Rehabilitation Continuing Education, Sat Lake City, Utah, May 4 - 5, 1978.
Fundamentals of Administration, Scoring and Interpretation of the McCarron-Dial Evaluation System. Goodwill Industries, San Antonio, Texas, March 31, 1978.
Evaluation of Developmental Disabilities. University Affiliated Facility, Colloquium, Dallas, Texas, March 23, 1978.
Neuropsychological Assessment in Rehabilitation: The McCarron-Dial System. University of Texas Health Science Center, Dallas, Texas, December 7 - 9, 1977.
Evaluation of Mental retardation. North Texas State University, Center for Rehabilitation Studies,, Denton, Texas, October 21, 1977.
Clinical Neuropsychological Assessment of Subtle Mental Retardation. Grand Rounds in Pediatrics, UT Health Science Center at Dallas - October 23, 1977.
Pre-Conference Workshop on the McCarron-Dial System. Delivered to the Region IX Rehabilitation Continuing Education Program, Fresno, California, July 14 -15, 1977.
Training in the Clinical Use of the McCarron-Dial System. Delivered to Dallas County MHMR Center, June 20 -21, 1977.
Training in Neuropsychological Evaluation of the Deaf for Mesquite ISD. Mesquite, Texas, April 11, 1977.
Evaluation of the Mentally, Neurologically and Developmentally Disabled: Advanced Workshop in the Use of the McCarron-Dial Evaluation System. University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas, Dallas, Texas, March 16 -18, 1977.
Evaluation of the Mentally Retarded. Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Beaumont State Center for the Human Development, Beaumont, Texas, February 27, 1976.
Technical Assistance to the Lufkin Workshop and Opportunity Center on Evaluation Program Development. Rehabilitation Services Administration, January 5 - 6, 1976.Rehabilitation of the Mentally Retarded; Use of the McCarron-Dial Work Evaluation System. Dallas, Rehabilitation Institute, December 11 - 12, 1975.
Evaluation of the Client. Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, State of Arkansas, December, 1975.
Training and Technical Assistance to the Rio Grande MHMR Center on Establishment Procedures for Vocational Programs. November 24 - 25, 1975.
Evaluation of the Mentally Disabled. North Mesquite and Dallas ISD, November 4, 1975.
McCarron-Dial Work Evaluation System. Training to Division of the Vocational Rehabilitation, State of Mississippi, October 27 - 29, 1975.
Vocational Evaluation. Continuing Education, Dallas, Texas, October 20, 1975.
Basic Approaches to Vocational Evaluations of the Mentally Disabled. Oklahoma, October 2 - 3, 1975.
Evaluation of the Client. Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, State of Oklahoma, April 17 - 18, 1975.
Vocational Evaluation of the Client. Texas Rehabilitation Commission, Big Springs, Texas, March 1975.
Technical Assistance to Hunt County Opportunity Center on Sheltered Workshop Program Development. Rehabilitation Services Administration, November, 1974.