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4201 Wingren Drive, Suite 112
Irving, Texas 75062
(Ph) 972.541.0818
(Fax) 972.541.1759
Dallas, TX.
Certificate in Internet Publishing and E-Commerce Technologies
August, 2000
Fort Worth, TX.
Bachelor of Science
December, 1989
Major: Psychology
Vocational Services Coordinator
Irving, TX.
May, 1995 - presentPerform vocational evaluation services for private corporations, individuals and state agencies to determine an individual's level of functioning and vocational interest. Oversee comprehensive business management of a private practice in neuropsychology and vocational evaluation. Perform neuropsychological evaluations under supervision of neuropsychologist. Arrange and perform consultation services and evaluations of clients nationally. Coordinate and deliver seminars in vocational, psychological and educational evaluation nationally.
Provide certification for professionals using the McCarron-Dial System (MDS) and the Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System (CVES) to assess adults, adolescents and children with visual impairment/blindness. Assist in the development and beta testing of the VEPARS and SPERS software programs to generate reports of vocational rehabilitation evaluation results and recommendations for adults, adolescents and children with visual impairment/blindness. Contribute to ongoing neuropsychological research with a focus on individuals with visual impairment/blindness and vocational rehabilitation.
Train and supervise doctoral students from multiple universities in vocational evaluation. Review rehabilitation records and generate vocational evaluation reports. Provide professional services for other neuropsychologists, rehabilitation psychologists, licensed professional counselors, psychological associates and vocational rehabilitation expert witnesses. Review medical records and research costs for goods and services utilized in life care plans for forensic applications. Established and maintain web site.
September, 1995 - May, 2005Provided consultation services for special education departments of seven independent school districts in Texas. Ensured compliance with state and federal regulations governing transition planning for students receiving special education services. Coordinated services with multiple state agencies involved in transition planning to assist students with disabilities and their families transition from the school environment (entitlement services) to the adult community (eligibility programs). Facilitated communication between vocational rehabilitation agencies, community colleges, and universities. Referred students to appropriate agencies within the community.
Irving and Dallas, TX.
Director, Vocational Evaluation Services
April, 1993 - May, 1995
Established vocational evaluation departments of a new, multi-service rehabilitation company with multiple locations throughout the state of Texas. Responsible for hiring, training and supervising staff. Administered standardized tests to clients to determine their employment assets and training potential. Developed vocational evaluation reports using transferable skills analysis and conducted post staffing/feedback sessions with vocational rehabilitation counselors, project managers and outplacement specialists. Worked with multiple private corporations and state agencies to document client's skill sets for job training and placement. Administrative duties included marketing, billing and inventory control.
Fort Worth, TX.
Vocational Evaluator
October, 1991 - April, 1993Administered standardized tests to clients to determine their employment assets and training potential; worked with various state and private organizations to prepare client evaluations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Job Training Partnership Act.
CERTIFICATESCertified McCarron - Dial System (MDS) Trainer
Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System for the Visually Impaired/Blind
(CVES) Trainer (Adult, Adolescent and Children's Batteries)
Dial, J.G., Dial, C.L., Meier, J.W., Vernon, S.Q., Joyce, A., Papanikolaou, S., Mihulka, D., Alarcon, T., Nixon, J., Eastland, M. & Green, A. (2011). Vocational and Educational Profile Analysis and Reporting System (VEPARS), Dallas, Texas.
PUBLICATIONSDial, J.G. & Dial, C.L. (2010). Assessing and Intervening with Visually Impaired Children and Adolescents. In Dan Miller (Ed.), Best Practices in School Neuropsychology (pp. 465-479). Hoboken, NJ:John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Dial, J.G., Rubino-Watkins, M., Marek, C., Colaluca, B. & Dial, C. (1999). Neuropsychological diagnosis of adults with learning disorders: Validation of the expanded McCarron-Dial System. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 14, 150.
Neuropsychological Diagnosis of Adults with Learning Disorders: Validation of the Expanded McCarron-Dial System. Poster presentation - National Academy of Neuropsychology. Washington , D.C. - November, 1998.
"What to Expect with the DSM-5" - Alina Suris, Ph.D., ABPP, Carol North, M.D., Dallas Psychological Association. Dallas, Texas, January 25, 2013.
Psycho-educational and Prevocational Evaluation of Children with Visual Impairment or Blindness: Follow-up Technical Workshop - Administration, Scoring and Interpretation of the Adapted CVES - Jack G. Dial, Ph.D. - Austin, Texas. December 13, 14 & 15, 2010.
Dual Diagnoses of Autistic Spectrum Disorders among Persons with Visual Impairment or Blindness - Jack G. Dial, Ph.D. - Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services, Division for Blind Services Statewide Staff Conference, San Marcos, Texas, Sponsored by the University of Arkansas Currents, October 2010.
Psycho-educational and Prevocational Evaluation of Children with Visual Impairment or Blindness: Follow-up Technical Workshop - Administration, Scoring and Interpretation of the Adapted CVES - Jack G. Dial, Ph.D. - Austin, Texas. October 7 & 8, 2010.
Psycho-Educational and Pre-Vocational Evaluation of Children with Visual Impairment or Blindness Using the Adapted Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System - Jack G. Dial, Ph.D. - Houston, Texas. September 24, 2010.
Psycho-Educational and Pre-Vocational Evaluation of Children with Visual Impairment or Blindness Using the Adapted Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System - Jack G. Dial, Ph.D. - Austin, Texas. July 29 & 30, 2010.
Psycho-Educational and Pre-Vocational Evaluation of Children with Visual Impairment or Blindness Using the Adapted Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System - Jack G. Dial, Ph.D. - Irving, Texas. June 24 & 25, 2010.
Psycho-Educational and Pre-Vocational Evaluation of Children with Visual Impairment or Blindness Using the Adapted Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System - Jack G. Dial, Ph.D. - Irving, Texas. March 8 and 9, 2010.
Introduction to the WAIS-IV and WMS-IV - Christina Sparks, Ph.D., Texas Psychological Association and Pearson. San Antonio, Texas, February 28, 2009.
Assessment of Individuals with Blindness or Visual Impairment: A Guide to Educational Management at the Transitional Level - Jack G. Dial, Ph.D. - Top Techniques for Working with Children Who Have Sensory Dysfunction in Texas Seminar, Sponsored by Lorman Education Services, Dallas, Texas. October 2008.
The Evolution of the McCarron-Dial System: Back to the Future - Jack G. Dial, Ph.D. - Vocational Evaluation and Career Assessment Professionals Association 13th National Forum, Auburn University, Georgia, April, 2007.
Neuropsychological Assessment of Persons with Physical Disability, Visual Impairment or Blindness and Hearing Impairment or Deafness - Jack G. Dial, Ph.D. - 26th Annual National Academy of Neuropsychology Conference, San Antonio, Texas, October 2006.
Neuropsychological Assessment of Brain Injury & Blindness: Implications for Vocational Rehabilitation - Jack G. Dial, Ph.D. - Vocational Outcomes in Traumatic Brain Injury, Vancouver, BC Canada, April 16, 2005.
CATE and TEKS: Connections to the VAC - Nancy Hunter & Pam Humphry - Texas Association of Vocational Adjustment Coordinators Annual Conference, Corpus Christi, Texas, July 31, 2002.
Transition Planning for People with More Severe Disabilities - Kendra Williams - Texas Association of Vocational Adjustment Coordinators Annual Conference, Corpus Christi, Texas, July 31, 2002.
VAC Issues/Teaching the Occupational Preparation Class - Paul Gartland & Keith Kieke - Texas Association of Vocational Adjustment Coordinators Annual Conference, Corpus Christi, Texas, July 31, 2002.
Trends in the Texas Labor Market - James Barnes - Texas Association of Vocational Adjustment Coordinators Annual Conference, Corpus Christi, Texas, July 31, 2002.
Practical Needs for Transition Assessment - James Patton, Ph.D. - Texas Association of Vocational Adjustment Coordinators Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas, July 30, 1998.
Make the Connection from ITP to IEP - Josephine Feipel - Texas Association of Vocational Adjustment Coordinators Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas, July 30, 1998.
Transition MOU Revisions - Larry Lottman - Texas Association of Vocational Adjustment Coordinators Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas, July 30, 1988.
Tomorrow's Careers Today's Choices - Bill Witter. Ph.D. - Texas Association of Vocational Adjustment Coordinators Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas, July 29, 1998.
Transition Issues Under the New IDEA - Jose Martin, J.D. - Texas Association of Vocational Adjustment Coordinators Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas, July 29, 1998.
Start with the End in Mind - Rex Shipp and Sylvia Clark - Texas Association of Vocational Adjustment Coordinators Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas, July 29, 1998.
Your Client's Rights to Assistive Technology - James R. Sheldon, Jr. - Dallas Area Rehabilitation Association, Center Computer Assistance to the Disabled, and Advocacy, Inc. Seminar, Dallas, Texas, May 22, 1998.
Innovations in Vocational And Educational Assessment of Individuals with Visual Impairments or Blindness: Development of the Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System (CVES) - Jack G. Dial, Ph.D. - Texas Association of Educators and Rehabilitators for the Visually Impaired and Blind Annual Conference, Dallas, Texas, April 2 - 4, 1998.
Your Educational Rights: IDEA 101 - Dr. Sunny Stevens - The Arc of Dallas, Dallas, Texas, February 21, 1998.
Vocational and Educational Evaluation and Planning for Individuals with Neuropsychological Impairments - Advanced Interpretation of the MDS and CVES - Jack G. Dial, Ph.D. - Jackson Hole, Wyoming, January 22 - 24, 1998.
The Deep and Surface Structure of Memory: Import for Rehabilitation - Karl Pribram, M.D., Ph.D. - American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, August 17, 1997.
Clinical Neuropsychology in the Decade of the Brain - Oscar Parsons, Ph.D. - American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, August 17, 1997.
Increasing Accuracy in Disability Assessments - Henry Hanna, Ph.D. et al, Texas Rehabilitation Commission, Austin, Texas, April 26, 1997.
Diagnosing and Solving Learning Issues - Pat Lindamood -The Shelton School, Dallas, Texas, February 4, 1997.Neuropsychological and Vocational Applications of the McCarron-Dial System (MDS) and the Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System (CVES) in the Vocational Placement of Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury. - Jack G. Dial, Ph.D. - Jackson Hole, Wyoming, January 23 - 25, 1997.
Neuropsychological Applications of the McCarron-Dial System (MDS) in Education and Rehabilitation - Jack G. Dial, Ph.D. - Jackson Hole, Wyoming, January 23 - 25, 1996.
Memorandum of Understanding on Transition Planning for Students Receiving Special Education Services. Education Service Center X, Richardson, Texas, October 18, 1995.
Intensive Testing Lab and Case Study Seminar in Vocational, Neuropsychological and Educational Applications of the McCarron-Dial System (MDS), Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System (CVES) and Perceptual-Motor Assessment for Children (P-MAC) - Jack G. Dial, Ph.D. - Jackson Hole, Wyoming, January 18 --20, 1995.
Neuropsychological and Vocational Evaluation of Visually Impaired and/or Blind Persons Using the Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System (CVES) - Jack G. Dial, Ph.D. - Chicago, Illinois, October 19 - 21, 1994.
Neuropsychological Assessment in Rehabilitation: Special Applications of the McCarron-Dial System (MDS), Halstead-Reitan and Luria-Nebraska Batteries - Jack G. Dial, Ph.D. - Seattle, Washington, April 8 - 9, 1994.
Vocational Evaluation of Visually Impaired and Blind Persons Using the Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System (CVES) - Jack G. Dial, Ph.D. - Irving, Texas, June 16 - 18, 1993.
Exercise and Mental Health as Related to Enigmatic Back Pain - Fred R. Tepper, D.O. - Oakbend Hospital, Fort Worth, Texas, February 21, 1992.
DELIVEREDI present training, consultation and workshops related to vocational evaluation on a continuing basis; particularly pertaining to assessing individuals with visual impairment/blindness.
Vocational, Educational and Psychological Evaluation of Individuals with Visual Impairment/Blindness Using the Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System (CVES). Irving, Texas - April 25 - 28, 2014.
Vocational, Educational and Psychological Evaluation of Individuals with Visual Impairment/Blindness Using the Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System (CVES). Irving, Texas - October 29 - November 1, 2013.
Consultation with Coppell Independent School District's Special Education Department involving Transition Services - 1995 through 2005.
Consultation with Irving Independent School District's Special Education Department involving Transition Services, 2002 - 2004.
Consultation with Port Aransas Independent School District's Special Education Department involving Transition Services, 2002.
Consultation with Rockport Independent School District's Special Education Department involving Transition Services, 2001 - 2003.
Vocational, Psychological and Educational Planning for Individuals with Visual Impairments and Blindness Using the Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System (CVES). Irving, Texas - June 6 - 8, 2001.
Vocational and Educational Planning for Individuals with Visual Impairment and Blindness Using the Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System (CVES). Irving, Texas - July 24 -28, 2000.
Vocational and Educational Planning for Individuals with Visual Impairment and Blindness Using the Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System (CVES). New Orleans, Louisiana - December 14 - 16, 1998.
Basic Vocational Evaluation Uses of the McCarron-Dial System (MDS). New Orleans, Louisiana - December 7 - 9, 1998.
Vocational and Educational Planning for Individuals with Visual Impairments and Blindness using the Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System (CVES). Irving, Texas - October 21 - 23, 1998.
Vocational and Educational Planning for Individuals with Visual Impairments and Blindness using the Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System (CVES). Vancouver, Canada - September 21 - 23, 1998.
Vocational and Educational Planning for Individuals with Visual Impairments and Blindness using the Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System (CVES). Irving, Texas - July 15 - 17, 1998.
Vocational and Educational Planning for Individuals with Visual Impairments and Blindness using the Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System (CVES). Hempstead, New York - April 22 - 24, 1998.
Vocational and Educational Planning for Individuals with Visual Impairments and Blindness using the Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System (CVES). Baltimore, Maryland - April 15 - 17, 1998.
Basic Applications of the Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System (CVES) for Rehabilitation Planning: A Practicum in Assessment of Individuals with Visual Impairment or Blindness. Irving, Texas. February 23 - 27, 1998.
Consultation with Rockwall Independent School District's Special Education Department involving Transition Services, 1996 - 1998.Consultation with Lancaster Independent School District's Special Education Department involving Transition Services, 1996 - 1998.
Basic Vocational Evaluation Uses of the McCarron-Dial System (MDS). Dallas, Texas, December 3 - 5, 1997.
Vocational and Educational Planning for Individuals with Visual Impairments and Blindness using the Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System (CVES). Irving, Texas - October 15 - 17, 1997.
Basic Vocational Evaluation Uses of the McCarron-Dial System (MDS). Dallas, Texas, October 8 - 10, 1997.
Vocational and Educational Evaluation and Planning for Individuals with Visual Impairments and Blindness using the Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System (CVES). Toronto, Canada - September 10 - 12, 1997.
Basic Applications of the Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System (CVES) for Rehabilitation Planning: A Practicum in Assessment of Individuals with Visual Impairment or Blindness. Irving, Texas. August 6 - 7, 1997
Consultation with Duncanville Independent School District's Special Education Department involving Transition Services, 1996 - 1997.
Basic Vocational Evaluation Uses of the McCarron-Dial System (MDS). Dallas, Texas, October 9 - 11, 1996.
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